Comparison of the Contamination Rate and Risk Factor Profile of Blood Culture Done in Emergency Department and MHDU/MICUs

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh
2021 Global Journal of Medical Research  
Aims and objectives: To determine the risk factors of blood culture contamination done in ED and those done in the MHDU/MICU among patients admitted with medical illness. Material and Methods: This is a two months' prospective observational study comparing blood culture contamination rate and risk factors associated with contamination between ED and MICU/MHDU. A total of 998 patients were included in the study who underwent blood culture in ED and MICU/MHDU. 570 in ED and 428 in MICU/MHDU were
more » ... ncluded after meeting exclusion and inclusion criteria. Results: Blood culture growths were higher in ED (19%). Most common growth was CoNS (4%). The overall contamination rate in this study was (4.8%) The contamination rate was lower in ED (4.4%) when compared to MICU/MHDU (5.4%).
doi:10.34257/mrcvol21is2pg1 fatcat:d7enpwlq6zbclms3zcwwdoqa6q