The Onset of Breeding Behaviours in a Captive Male Ryukyu Scops Owl

Kana Akatani, Masaoki Takagi
2019 Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology  
We documented the hooting and cavity scratching behaviours in a captive male Ryukyu Scops Owl Otus elegans during three years from hatching in 2005, and examined these behaviors in relation to the moult cycle. The owl first hooted 14 days after one of primaries was finally shed in September 2006, the second year of life of the owl. Cavityscratching behaviour was first observed in March 2007, and continued until eight days after the primaries began shedding in June 2007.
doi:10.3312/jyio.50.125 fatcat:p2p5nyyumbe6joayaf4r7lh3xe