Optimization and improvement of professional competence of teachers of the department of single combats using computer technologies
Оптимізація та підвищення професійної компетентності викладачів кафедри одноборств з використанням комп'ютерних технологій

V. Romanenko, N. Veretelnikova, A. Chuev
2019 Edinoborstva  
Оптимізація та підвищення професійної компетентності викладачів кафедри одноборств з використанням комп'ютерних технологій Романенко В.В. 1 , Веретельникова Н.А. 2 , Чуєв А.Ю. © Романенко В.В., Веретельникова Н.А., Чуєв А.Ю. Ключевые слова : преподаватель, единоборства, дисциплина, нагрузка, контроль, отчѐт, расписание, оценка, компъютерная программа. Abstract. Romanenko V., Veretelnikova N., Chuev А. Optimization and improvement of professional competence of teachers of the department of
more » ... combats using computer technologies. Purpose: to develop a computer program which allows to optimize and increase professional competence of teachers of the department of single combats. Materials and methods: On the basis of study of scientific and methodical information and analysis of professional activity of teachers of the department of single combats it was revealed that there is a need for specialized computer programs which positively influence quality of organization of educational process with students of KSAPC. The educational process in higher education institutions is characterized by the study of large volumes of scientific information, the provision of methodological support to the disciplines studied in higher education institutions, the monitoring of the performance of the educational load, the accounting of student performance and a lot of different information, which requires systematization. Computer technologies provide a lot of opportunities to make the teacher 's professional activity more productive, thanks to ease of use in terms of their mobility, the amount of information stored, the ability to quickly demonstrate a variety of presentations, slides, videos about the disciplines studied, the ability to use automated testing systems that allow to identify the level of learning of the educational material by students. Analysis of professional activity of teachers of the department of single combats allowed to form a number of problem issues, the solution of which can be implemented in a computer program. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, method of computer programming. Results: developed and tested specialized computer program for mobile devices which allows to increase efficiency of organization of professional activity of teachers of the department of single combats in the following directions: control and accounting, methodical provision of selected disciplines, analysis of quality of education of students-single combats, formation of various reports, regarding educational load. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of special methodological literature, the relevance of the introduction of computer technologies in the professional activities of teachers has been confirmed, which will allow to quickly and qualitatively solve various issues of organization and conduct of the educational process. The computer program «Logbook of the Teacher» has been developed and tested, which allows to optimize and increase professional competence of teachers of the department of single combats.
doi:10.15391/ed.2019-4.11 fatcat:cbkedh5pfnfrpcasi3zjxv3vli