Histopathological study of gall bladder malignancies with special reference to p53 expression

Dupinder Kaur, Pathology, Tanu Agrawal, Tripti Garg, S K Sagar, Pathology, Pathology, Surgery
2020 Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology  
Few studies have been performed to evaluate the p53 protein expression in gallbladder carcinoma and its relationship to histopathological grade of the tumor. Based on these facts the aim of our study was to assess the p53 overexpression in correlation to the grade of tumor. Material and Methods: 80 cases of histologically proven gall bladder carcinoma were included in the study.p53 immunostaining was done and score was calculated. Results: It was observed that out of 80 cases of gall bladder
more » ... ignancy, 30(37.5%) cases were p53 positive and 50(62.5%) were p53 negative. There was statistically significant difference between the histological grade of p53 positive and p53 negative adenocarcinomas with significantly higher number of patients of p53 overexpression presenting with poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas. Conclusion: p53 overexpression has inverse relationship with the grade of the tumor.
doi:10.18231/j.ijpo.2020.028 fatcat:cr3pfartnjhrpolbopeasxj2tm