WITHDRAWN: Determination of Mothers' Attitude Towards Adopting Preschool Children Eating Habits

Leyla Ozgen, Serap Demiriz
2015 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This research is conducted to determine attitude of mothers' that has children aged 4-5 towards adopting preschool children eating behaviours. The population of the study consists of mothers who have children aged 4-5 with normal development. When findings are examined, there is no difference is statistically significant determined between age group and sex variables in "positive" and "negative" subscales of mothers' attitude in developing children eating behaviours. However it is statistically
more » ... significant determined that mothers ages between 35 and 45 have more negative attitude than mothers ages between 24 and 34 according to "negative" subscales of mothers' attitude in developing children eating behaviours. It is also statistically significant determined that mothers have "positive" attitude according to "democratic" and "over protective" subscales of Hamel mother's attitude scale and "positive" subscale of attitude in developing children eating habits.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.460 fatcat:z5q5malmaveh3ixhdhytxqgepq