A simple model for calculating magnetic nanowire domain wall fringing fields

Adam D West, Thomas J Hayward, Kevin J Weatherill, Thomas Schrefl, Dan A Allwood, Ifan G Hughes
2012 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics  
We present a new approach to calculating magnetic fringing fields from head-to-head type domain walls in planar magnetic nanowires. In contrast to calculations based on micromagnetically simulated structures the descriptions of the fields are for the most part analytic and thus significantly less time and resource intensive. The models presented begin with an intuitive picture of domain walls, which is built upon in a phenomenological manner. Comparisons with fields calculated using micromagnetic methods show good quantitative agreement.
doi:10.1088/0022-3727/45/9/095002 fatcat:xywzbczkvbgy3gmfrfsc4okqbi