The Observatory of the Socio-Ecological Transition in Franche - Comté. A Reference for the "Drââ" Observatory of the Province of Ouarzazate

Jean Jacques GIRARDOT, Cyril MASSELOT, Serge ORMAUX, Mouhamed OUDADA
This paper presents the principles, method and main results of the Observatory of the Socio-Ecological Transition in Franche-Comté (OTSE-fc). The latter is currently used as a reference for the development of the Drâa observatory of the Province of Ouarzazate as part of the CNRS-CNRST scientific cooperation project 2015-2016. At the request of the participants of the workshop, we also summarized the progress of the territorial diagnosis of the Province of Ouarzazate, which constitutes the basis
more » ... of the Drââ Observatory. The advances concern a diagnosis carried out among 1650 inhabitants of the province, its main quantitative results and a first exploitation of a qualitative analysis exposing six profiles according to the associations of answers of the survey.
doi:10.48421/imist.prsm/ewash-ti-v2i1.11923 fatcat:tylr2rauv5d6rexdgjavgprh3a