Impact of distributions and mixtures on the charge transfer properties of graphene nanoflakes

Hongqing Shi, Robert J. Rees, Manolo C. Per, Amanda S. Barnard
2015 Nanoscale  
In this article we have used the density functional tightbinding method with self-consistent charges (SCC-DFTB), which was implemented in the DFTB+ code, 1 to perform the individual calculations. 2,3 The SCC-DFTB is an approximate quantum chemical approach where the Kohn-Sham density functional is expanded to second order around a reference electron density. The reference density is obtained from selfconsistent density functional calculations of weakly confined neutral atoms within the
more » ... ed gradient approximation (GGA). The confinement potential is optimised to anticipate the charge density and effective potential in molecules and solids. A minimal valence basis set is used to account explicitly for the two-centre tight-binding matrix elements within the DFT level. The double counting terms in the Coulomb and exchange-correlation potential, as well as the intra-nuclear repulsion are replaced by a universal short-range repulsive potential. All structures have been fully relaxed with a conjugate gradient methodology until forces on each atom were minimized to be less than 10 −4 a.u. (i.e. ≈5 meV/Å). In all the calculations, the "PBC" set of parameters is used to describe the contributions from diatomic interactions of carbon. 4 This method has been shown to provide good and reliable results for nanographene in the past, 5-7 and data from these studies has been used in the statistical analysis presented in the main text. For convenience, the data from previous works are presented graphically here; reproduced with permission from the original publications. As pointed out in the main text this study has focussed on using a Boltzmann distribution, but samples grown using different methods and synthesis conditions may be distributed in different ways. Certainly many graphene nanoflakes are produced under kinetically driven conditions, and a variety of different distributions are possible; including the thermodynamic distribution. To give some indication of the impact using different distributions the results for the Boltzmann distribution are compared to a frequency distribution and a Gaussian (normal) distribution in the table below.
doi:10.1039/c4nr06123c pmid:25521251 fatcat:4pwdhxlnhvcjbnb4jz7giqhl7i