General application of Youden's rank sum test for outliers and tables of one-sided percentage points

T.A. Willke
1964 Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Section B Mathematics and Mathematical Physics  
The rank s um tes t for outliers advanced by W. J. Youde n provid es a method for de tec ting if the measure me nt di stribution of anyone of a group of obj ec ts has a mean signifi ca ntly different from the res\. This pape r di scusses a more ge ne ral appli cation of the rank sum procedure whi c h permits a s imilar test on other parame ters, s uch as th e va rian ce, with the sa me tables. Tables of th e c ritical values of the extreme rank sum and the co rres pon ding signifi ca nce leve
more » ... for one-s ide d tes ts are given in thi s paper to s uppl e me nt s imilar tabl es for two-sid e d tes ts a lready publi shed.
doi:10.6028/jres.068b.009 fatcat:dzpjzu7xxjbkva452e6duiao2u