Public Law No. 107–110, "Nicklebee" [chapter]

2011 Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology  
Bruxism is generally considered a clinical problem, which may be detrimental consequences for dental, periodontal and musculoskeletal tissues.Bruxism has also been suggested to cause excessive occlusal overload of dental implants and their superstructures, which may result in bone loss around dental implants or even in implant failure. Not surprisingly, bruxism is therefore often considered a contraindication for implant treatment, although evidence for this is usually based on clinical
more » ... ce only. So far, studies to the possible cause and effect relationship between bruxism and implant failure do not yield outcomes. This is partly because of large variation in the consistent and specific literature in terms of both the technical aspects and the biological aspects of the study material. It has been documented that occlusal parafunction and lateral contacts determines the outcome of implant prosthesis. But there is no evidence for casual relation between the failures and overload of dental implants. The purpose of this report is to present an occlusal scheme, occlusal material and clinical approach for prevention of complication related to parafuntional habits.
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-79948-3_4836 fatcat:mdqwztstgvfr7kmmaqqjfg3hki