Nonlinear Drive of Tearing Mode by Microscopic Plasma Turbulence

Masatoshi YAGI, Sanae-I. ITOH, Kimitaka ITOH, Masafumi AZUMI, Patrick H. DIAMOND, Atsushi FUKUYAMA, Takayuki HAYASHI
2007 Plasma and Fusion Research  
The dynamics of the tearing mode and microscopic resistive drift wave turbulence are studied by performing a nonlinear simulation based on a 4-field Reduced MHD model, placing an emphasis on the interaction between microscopic and transport processes. The simulation results show the importance of turbulent fluctuations for the onset of the tearing mode. The faster growth of microscopic fluctuations induces accelerated growth of the tearing mode, which is much faster than the linear growth rate.
more » ... A turbulence-driven magnetic island is formed. This is based on the incoherent emission of the long wavelength mode by microscopic turbulence.
doi:10.1585/pfr.2.025 fatcat:cvnn5ivesvfalfocibblbxc6zq