Preoperative planning of approach and extent of resection in the treatment of brain tumors in the context of current concepts of the functional organization of the human brain: a neurosurgeon's perspective

Paweł Daszkiewicz, Agnieszka Maryniak, Hanna Cygan, Katarzyna Nowak
2012 Acta Neuropsychologica  
This article addresses the issue of preoperative planning in the surgical treatment of brain pathologies in the light of current concepts of the functional organization of the human brain. The primary issues discussed here include general neurosurgical strategy, modern diagnostic techniques (including functional magnetic resonance, tractography, and cortical sti mu la tion), image guided surgery, basic issues in neurosurgical preoperative planning, the concept of eloquent brain areas, current
more » ... ews on the functional organization of human brain and its modification under the influence of pathological processes, surgery, and rehabilitation. To sum up, the neuroimaging techniques now available enable the increasingly effective and safe surgical treatment of neurological diseases. Clinical neurosurgery not only benefits from the achievements of basic sciences, but also contributes considerably to the understanding of brain functions. Brain plasticity and functional reorganization in response to a growing tumor may be basic premises for the concept of functional neurooncology, a novel approach to the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors.
doi:10.5604/17307503.995091 fatcat:csz3dlqgr5eofmllqyipdzit3e