Application of Highly Scattering Optical Transmission Polymer to LCDs

Akihiro Horibe, Yasuhiro Koike
1997 ITE Technical Report  
We have propesed a new bri 富 hter LCD backlight using highly scattering optieal − transmission ( HSOT ) poly 皿 er . This polymer material consists of spec 主 fied microscopic heterogeneous s嘸 ctures inside the polyl 鵬 r . The highイ)rder scattering phenomenon in the HSOT polymer was exactiy investigated by Monte Carlo sirnulation based on Mie scattering theory . We obtahled a good agreement between the calcUlated and the experimental results . The scatter 血 g property inside the HSOT polymer can
more » ... e opt ized fbr the LCD backlight by using this simulation program . As the result , our back − light system consisting of the HSOT polyrner plate has s血 pler system , brighter 1um 血 a lce , and better luminance profile . The property Qf 。ur backlight system which was actually appl 重 ed to the LCI ) is shown . key words Backlighg LCD , Light scatter g, View 血 g property
doi:10.11485/itetr.21.19.0_17 fatcat:rwnymx7ikjasln3mlrbdsqdilu