An Erosion-Corrosion Investigation of Coated Steel for Applications in the Oil and Gas Field, Based on Bipolar Electrochemistry

Mele, Lionetto, Bozzini
2020 Coatings  
In this research, a simple experimental apparatus based on a bipolar electrode (BPE) configuration was set up, in order to tackle erosion-corrosion problems of materials of interest in the oil and gas field. As a case study, the resistance to erosion and corrosion of carbon steel samples coated by Electroless Nickel Plating and by thermo-sprayed coating with the high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) process was investigated. The main objective was to demonstrate if this simple, contactless technique
more » ... ld be applied to effectively discriminate the erosion-corrosion behavior of different materials in a vast range of experimental conditions. In fact, by means of polarization curves, visual inspection and morphological analysis by scanning electron microscope (SEM), the effects due to erosion-corrosion by solid particles, by fluid and those due to simple erosion were evaluated.
doi:10.3390/coatings10020092 fatcat:tzwydi662ffz5bte77f6rkh7uu