The Analysis of the ADHD child Accident incident rates in school environment

Lucie Dončevová
2018 Journal of Education Culture and Society  
Aim. The main objective of this article is to contribute to the research in the area of accident incident rates among school children. Methods. A non-standardized, 12-item questionnaire based on independent compilation was used for data collection. The questionnaire contained closed questions which monitor the nature of school-related injuries, gender and age of respondents. Results. 100 students with diagnosed ADHD and 100 children without ADHD diagnosis participated in the research. The
more » ... nt and incident data were collected between September 2016 and June 2017. Out of 100 given questionnaires filled by ADHD children, the result shows that 49% of them experienced an injury in school and children without ADHD diagnosis reported injury in only 26% of cases, which means that roughly every second child with a Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder experienced an injury some time during the school year during class, whereas among neurotypical children this ratio would refer to every fourth child. Conclusions. The results of the analysts pointed at the possible need of informing all staff involved in the education system of ADHD children about the risks of injury in school environment and thus support the prevention of injuries, support the prevention programs which would be focused on children with attention disorders.
doi:10.15503/jecs20181.109.117 fatcat:v4jwn6alsvf6rh4bau5vai74hu