Xiaoye S. Li, James W. Demmel
2003 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  
We present the main algorithmic features in the software package SuperLU DIST, a distributedmemory sparse direct solver for large sets of linear equations. We give in detail our parallelization strategies, with a focus on scalability issues, and demonstrate the software's parallel performance and scalability on current machines. The solver is based on sparse Gaussian elimination, with an innovative static pivoting strategy proposed earlier by the authors. The main advantage of static pivoting
more » ... er classical partial pivoting is that it permits a priori determination of data structures and communication patterns, which lets us exploit techniques used in parallel sparse Cholesky algorithms to better parallelize both LU decomposition and triangular solution on large-scale distributed machines.
doi:10.1145/779359.779361 fatcat:o4isnd7es5afjiqrium5zy5bta