The Elusive King. In Search of the Portraits of Mithridates VI Eupator

Agnieszka Fulińska
2013 Classica Cracoviensia  
The paper discusses monetary and sculptural portraits, either attributed or tentatively identified as representations of Mithridates VI Eupator. The object of analysis are their iconographical features as well as their dependence on Hellenistic royal portraitures as well as the issue of imitatio Alexandri. The portrait of Mithridates which appears on his coins is remarkable for the fire and energy of his countenance, which accords well with all we know of his character; while the beautiful
more » ... tion of the coins themselves, both in gold and silver, bears testimony to his patronage of the arts.
doi:10.12797/cc.15.2012.15.02 fatcat:w4fmbp6xungjph2qqkgqee457u