An optically-interrogated microwave-Poynting-vector sensor using cadmium manganese telluride

Chia-Chu Chen, John F. Whitaker
2010 Optics Express  
A single <110> cadmium-manganese-telluride crystal that exhibits both the Pockels and Faraday effects is used to produce a Poyntingvector sensor for signals in the microwave regime. This multi-birefringent crystal can independently measure either electric or magnetic fields through control of the polarization of the optical probe beam. After obtaining all the relevant electric and magnetic field components, a map of the Poynting vector along a 50-Ω microstrip was experimentally determined
more » ... t the need for any further transformational calculations. The results demonstrate that this sensor can be used for near-field mapping of the Poynting vector. Utilizing both amplitude and phase information from the fields in the microwave signal, it was confirmed for the case of an open-terminated microstrip that no energy flowed to the load, while for a microstrip with a matched termination, the energy flowed consistently along the transmission line.
doi:10.1364/oe.18.012239 pmid:20588348 fatcat:lvmn4uwcmfhz5fnq24eu66wdty