シングルナノ白金粒子を酸化膜に含むSiC ナノ粒子フィルター上におけるスス酸化挙動
Oxidation of Soot on the Nano-scaled SiC-particle-filter with Surface-oxide-layer Including Single-nano-scaled Pt-particles

Keisuke Nakamura, Hiroshi Oki, Ryoko Sanui, Nobuhiro Hidaka, Masamichi Tanaka, Katsunori Hanamura
2013 Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan  
In a membrane filter consisting of nanoscaled SiC-particles with surface-oxide-layer including a single-nanoscaled Pt-particle, oxidation rate of soot trapped on the surface became higher than that without Pt-particle though both apparent activation energies are much the same. Through Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy experiment, the number of oxygen adsorbed on the surface of the oxide layer with Pt-particle is larger than that without Pt. As a result, the reaction rate might be increased by a
more » ... gh frequency collision between the adsorbed oxygen and soot.
doi:10.11351/jsaeronbun.44.281 fatcat:du77yc5hgrg55gkyxrfhbrexwy