East Central Europe as a Politically Correct Scapegoat: The Case of Bulgaria

Roumiana Deltcheva
1999 CLCWeb  
Volume 1 (1999) Issue 2 Article 4 E Ea as st C t Ce en ntr tral E al Eur urop ope a e as a P s a Polit olitic ical all ly C y Cor orr rec ect S t Sc ca ap pego egoa at t: The C : The Ca ase of B se of Bul ulg ga ar ri ia a R Roumi oumia an na D a Delt eltchev cheva a University of Alberta Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb Part of the Comparative Literature Commons, and the Critical and Cultural Studies Commons Dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly and
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doi:10.7771/1481-4374.1037 fatcat:gvk65pc4zffkthwtqvvy56l7aa