Frequency Regulation Analysis of Power Systems with High Penetration Wind Power

F.F. Miao, X.S. Tang, Z.P. Qi
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering   unpublished
The integration of large-scale Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Generators (VSWTGs) will challenge power systems frequency stability due to the lack of inertia response and reserve capacity in their control system, which are important for power system stability and power quality. This paper deduced quantitatively power systems frequency regulation indexes considering high penetration wind power integration, including Rate Of Change Of Frqeuncy (ROCOF), Maximum Frequency Deviation (MFD), and Steady
more » ... ate Frequency Deviation(SSFD). Then the dominant parameters effect on frequency stability were analyzed. The improvement on frequency stability with wind plants participating in Inertia Response (IR) and Primary Frequency Regulation (PFR) services was analyzed with the choice basis for wind plants ancillary frequency regulation controller parameters provided. Finally, a regional power grid was used to verify the the oreitcal analyses, and the results indicated that wind plants with frequency regulation services can improve power systems frequency stability and power quality.
doi:10.2991/eame-15.2015.10 fatcat:bdnif6cbm5aplcfki3sodld2s4