Velocity estimation error reduction in stenosis areas using a correlation correction method

Luzhen Nie, Sevan Harput, David M. J. Cowell, Steven Freear
2016 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)  
The advent of ultrafast ultrasound imaging proved beneficial for capturing transient flow patterns which was never readily achievable before. Velocity estimation methods based on 2D block-matching outperform Doppler based methods by offering higher frame rate with the cost of increased uncertainty in presence of out-of-plane motion as a result of turbulent flow. Local median filtering can partially address the estimation error reduction in stenosis areas at the risk of higher inaccuracy, since
more » ... eighboring values may be also outliers. In this study, a correlation correction method is proposed, where the out-of-plane motion is eliminated by means of multiplying correlation maps from a same area but in two adjacent pairs of RF images. Experimental investigations were performed on a wall-less flow phantom, and proposed method achieved an error reduction of 66% in turbulent flow regions.
doi:10.1109/ultsym.2016.7728627 fatcat:oyhtjix6rfeyhj64rml4dmrvw4