Disformal scalars as dark matter candidates — Branon phenomenology

Jose A. R. Cembranos, Antonio L. Maroto
2016 International Journal of Modern Physics A  
Scalar particles coupled to the Standard Model fields through a disformal coupling arise in different theories, such as massive gravity or brane-world models. We will review the main phenomenology associated with such particles. Distinctive disformal signatures could be measured at colliders and with astrophysical observations. The phenomenological relevance of the disformal coupling demands the introduction of a set of symmetries, which may ensure the stability of these new degrees of freedom.
more » ... In such a case, they constitute natural dark matter candidates since they are generally massive and weakly coupled. We will illustrate these ideas by paying particular attention to the branon case, since these questions arise naturally in brane-world models with low tension, where they were first discussed.
doi:10.1142/s0217751x16300155 fatcat:kkazj5a7c5atdbk4xsf2ku6ciu