A Hybrid Genetic Programming and Boosting Technique for Learning Kernel Functions from Training Data

Marta Girdea, Liviu Ciortuz
2007 Ninth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2007)  
This paper proposes a technique for learning kernel functions that can be used in non-linear SVM classification. The technique uses genetic programming to evolve kernel functions as additive or multiplicative combinations of linear, polynomial and RBF kernels, while a procedure inspired from InfoBoost helps the evolved kernels concentrate on the most difficult objects to classify. The kernels obtained at each boosting round participate in the training of non-linear SVMs which are combined,
more » ... with their confidence coefficients, into a final classifier. We compared on several data sets the performance of the kernels obtained in this manner with the performance of classic RBF kernels and of kernels evolved using a pure GP method, and we concluded that the boosted GP kernels are generally better.
doi:10.1109/synasc.2007.71 dblp:conf/synasc/GirdeaC07 fatcat:oneogk5vurepbngsaggus2l3by