Lexical relatedness [chapter]

Andrew Spencer
2013 Lexical Relatedness  
I discuss the problem of the morphological and semantic properties of transpositions, forms of lexical relatedness such as deverbal participles or action nominalizations which retain many of the properties of the base while still exhibiting a change in morphosyntactic category. I pay particular attention to deverbal nominalizations based on the infinitive form of verbs in languages such as German, Italian and others. I argue that such nominalizations are not true derivation because they remain,
more » ... in an important sense, forms of the base verb. At the same time they are not 'pure' transpositions because they often involve added subtle semantic nuances (which, however, are not of the same kind as the added semantic predicates found in true derivation). I analyse these types of lexical relatedness within an approach to lexical relatedness I have called Generalized Paradigm Function Morphology.
doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199679928.003.0003 fatcat:zp4p2ey6qrbrbkceerzltvqnny