An enhanced computational platform for investigating the roles of regulatory RNA and for identifying functional RNA motifs

Tzu-Hao Chang, Hsi-Yuan Huang, Justin Bo-Kai Hsu, Shun-Long Weng, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Hsien-Da Huang
2013 BMC Bioinformatics  
Functional RNA molecules participate in numerous biological processes, ranging from gene regulation to protein synthesis. Analysis of functional RNA motifs and elements in RNA sequences can obtain useful information for deciphering RNA regulatory mechanisms. Our previous work, RegRNA, is widely used in the identification of regulatory motifs, and this work extends it by incorporating more comprehensive and updated data sources and analytical approaches into a new platform. An integrated
more » ... d system, RegRNA 2.0, has been developed for comprehensively identifying the functional RNA motifs and sites in an input RNA sequence. Numerous data sources and analytical approaches are integrated, and several types of functional RNA motifs and sites can be identified by RegRNA 2.0: (i) splicing donor/acceptor sites; (ii) splicing regulatory motifs; (iii) polyadenylation sites; (iv) ribosome binding sites; (v) rho-independent terminator; (vi) motifs in mRNA 5'-untranslated region (5'UTR) and 3'UTR; (vii) AU-rich elements; (viii) C-to-U editing sites; (ix) riboswitches; (x) RNA cis-regulatory elements; (xi) transcriptional regulatory motifs; (xii) user-defined motifs; (xiii) similar functional RNA sequences; (xiv) microRNA target sites; (xv) non-coding RNA hybridization sites; (xvi) long stems; (xvii) open reading frames; (xviii) related information of an RNA sequence. User can submit an RNA sequence and obtain the predictive results through RegRNA 2.0 web page. RegRNA 2.0 is an easy to use web server for identifying regulatory RNA motifs and functional sites. Through its integrated user-friendly interface, user is capable of using various analytical approaches and observing results with graphical visualization conveniently. RegRNA 2.0 is now available at
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-s2-s4 pmid:23369107 fatcat:mftwsaq64fel5mgz4tftwrddzu