Adaptation to textured chromatic fields

Qasim Zaidi, Branka Spehar, Jeremy DeBonet
1998 Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision  
Probe-flash threshold curves were used to show that adaptation to textured fields consists not only of adaptation to the steady local constituents but also of a process that is similar to habituation to prolonged temporal modulation, which in this case could be caused by miniature eye movements across element boundaries. The response curves derived from probe-flash thresholds are compressive on both sides of the adaptation level after adaptation to spatially uniform fields but have an
more » ... ng form when they are measured after adaptation to textured backgrounds. This change is suggestive of a response equalization process, which modifies the response function of each mechanism to match the cumulative frequency distribution of its inputs.
doi:10.1364/josaa.15.000023 pmid:9459793 fatcat:xhpajjxghve5lf25czjctznaoq