Comparing the Hydraulic Control of Tractor Three-point Hitch

Juraj Jablonický, Pavel Máchal, Anton Žikla, Ján Kosiba, Ľubomír Hujo, Vladislav Hajdák
2014 Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis  
JABLONICKÝ JURAJ, MÁCHAL PAVEL, ŽIKLA ANTON, KOSIBA JÁN, HUJO ĽUBOMÍR, HAJDÁK VLADISLAV. 2014. Comparing the Hydraulic Control of Tractor Three-point Hitch. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 62(5): 939-944. In this paper, there are monitored and compared the parameters of tractor three-point hitch control. Comparisons were carried out under laboratory conditions for two types of regulation. The fi rst one was a standard mechanical and the second one was
more » ... tro-hydraulic Bosch. Testing was performed on a test bench designed for the Department of Transport and Handling (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra). The results of measurements are evaluated statistically and shown in a graphical form.
doi:10.11118/actaun201462050939 fatcat:mt23dribjfb33aetqghw46ocua