Creating Public Service Excellence Applying Learning Organisation Methods: The Role of Strategic Leadership

Nico Schutte, Nicolene Barkhuizen
2014 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences  
Effectiveness and efficiency in South Africa is high on government's agenda. The main objective of this research was to determine the role of a strategic leader in creating a learning organisation for public sector effectiveness. The sample was based on interviews and focus group discussions with strategic leaders that represent five major central government institutions (N=168). The results showed that leaders need to display a high level of consciousness of their effect on the organisation
more » ... employees. Leaders also provide the necessary guidance and motivation towards and effective and efficient learning organisation. Finally the results showed that leaders need to be able to adapt to rapid changing environments to apply organisational learning effectively in public service institution. This paper concludes with an integrated framework relating Strategic Leadership, Organisational Learning and Public Sector Effectiveness.
doi:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n4p159 fatcat:rtjmigjl75ehpjsk3x34jmsew4