Chironomidae types in the reference collection of the Laboratory of Ecology of Aquatic Insects, São Carlos, Brazil

Fabio Laurindo da Silva, Susana Trivinho-Strixino, Caroline Silva Neubern de Oliveira
2015 CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research  
The Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) type collection at the Laboratory of Ecology of Aquatic Insects (LEIA - UFSCar) is reviewed. It comprises 103 primary types, as well as 95 paratypes, mostly resulting from research by S. Trivinho-Strixino and G. Strixino. Notes updating the taxonomic status are provided for some species.
doi:10.5324/cjcr.v0i28.1926 fatcat:zanlivb225hdpjiqyauwnu3nam