Pulsed Thermography applied to multi-material and multi-layer pomological models

E. Grifoni, J. Melada, L. Bonizzoni, M. Gargano, I. Mignani, N. G. Ludwig
2020 Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography   unpublished
Pulsed Thermography (PT) proves to be particularly suitable for the analysis of artworks realized with particularly heat-sensitive materials. The analytical integration of PT and other Imaging techniques (High Resolution Technical Photography and High Resolution Digital X-Radiography) provide information from the superficial, sub-superficial and innermost layers of the object, respectively, capturing both accurate spectral, spatial and density data. The paper presents a case study in which PT
more » ... oves to be a highly predictive technique able to prevent or limit the loss of pictorial film in multimaterial and multi-layer artifacts such as pomological models.
doi:10.21611/qirt.2020.070 fatcat:r3gyacqcpjh3vovx57vdnv3oz4