Effects of different control variables on workplace bullying in organizations in Serbia
Efekti različitih kontrolnih varijabli na nasilje na radnom mestu u organizacijama u Srbiji

Sanja Stankov, Jasmina Poštin, Marko Konjikušić, Aleksandra Jagodić-Rusić, Hadži Stojković, Edin Strukan
2020 Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness  
This paper presents the results of the research of the six control variables impact on workplace bullying dimension and harassment items. Gender of respondents, Age of respondents, Education of respondents, National origin of the company, Ownership structure of the company, and Size of the company (number of employees) were used as control variables. The research was conducted through a survey with respondents, and respondents are employees in Serbian organizations, at different hierarchical
more » ... els. The sample included 536 questionnaires. T-test was applied to average ratings of the workplace bullying dimensions and and self-labelling (mistreatment) item and in compliance with the aforementioned control variables. It was indicated that workplace bullying is not present in organizations in Serbia to a large extent, but it is still higher than in some highly developed countries. The size of the company (number of employees) has been identified as the only, hence a very important factor in the emergence of workplace bullying in organizations in Serbia. Workplace bullying is more emphasized in large companies than in small ones. This phenomenon is discussed in the paper.
doi:10.5937/jemc2002127s fatcat:23jamxwefjblrnh44k3gxim32y