Economic Analysis of Micro Hydel Plant-A Case Study

2016 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
A reliable, economical and impregnable supply of energy is consequential for economic development. This has been true for the past and present and will remain authentic for the future. However, over time, changes have taken and will take place with regard to energy utilization, both with regard to the amount as well as with regard to the type of energy utilized. Many factors have played a role in bringing these vicissitudes. Availability, security of supplies, price, ease of handling and use,
more » ... ternal factors like technological development, introduction of subsidies, environmental constraints and legislation are some of these factors. This research paper is an in-depth scenario and economic analysis of the micro hydro energy in Punjab.
doi:10.21275/v5i4.nov163030 fatcat:2db72kki4ba4nduczv4rue53v4