Financial turnover of cyclical economy by reinvesting in ecological production of its savings

Evgeniy Bryndin, Research Centre "Natural Informatics", Technological Platform Future Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia
2020 Resources and Environmental Economics  
Cyclical economy's financial turnover has investment and accumulation periods. During the investment period, innovative modernization of the economy is carried out by effective competent management, innovative science, creative education, qualified specialists and the high-tech industry. Ecological modernization of the economy gradually increases the solvent demand of the population and contributes to the emergence of new goods and services. The economy is smoothly moving into the accumulative
more » ... eriod. Mass robotic production and sale of new goods and services begins. There is accumulation of the capital. Over time, the population is saturated with new goods, and the purchasing demand of the population is gradually decreasing. The economy is smoothly cyclically moving into the investment period of innovative ecological modernization of the economy. The financial turnover of the cyclical economy through reinvestment of its savings increases the rate of ecological modernization of production.
doi:10.25082/ree.2020.01.001 fatcat:tulipg6srbfdvmsslrsq2nhfmm