Lifestyle associated with the obesity in children under 5 years of age in Hilla city, Iraq

Awatif Abd AL-khalik, Ali Hussein Al-hafidh, Suha Attia Kadhum
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
Poorer communities have disproportionately higher rates of overweight and obesity, but there are few research that looks at child health-related lifestyles that may guide the development of useful treatments. The Aim of study is to identify lifestyle factors associated with obesity in children under 5 years. Subjects and Methods: A case-control study was conducted on 100 children with obesity and 100 healthy participants in primary health care centers at Hilla city. The study used a convenience
more » ... sampling technique (non-random sampling technique) to choose the children with obesity and control groups via take body anthropometry and direct interviews. The data collection continued for a period of 3 months starting on 2nd January 2022 and ending on 1st April,2022. Results: the results found that the children who practice physical activity inside the home for 1-2 per week are likely at higher risk for obesity at 17.680 times than those who practice physical activity inside the home daily. While the participants who do not eat while watching TV are likely at less risk for obesity than those who eat while watching TV (B=-0.679-; P. value=0.032; OR= 0.507; 95% C.I 0.272-0.945).
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6ns8.10166 fatcat:alxgbq6hwnclfbrahwoa3lsb2u