Formy adresatywne w ustnej komunikacji religijnej – aspekt empiryczno-porównawczy... (na materiale współczesnego języka polskiego i ukraińskiego)

Maryna Fedoriuk
2015 Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica  
The author talks about chosen issues connected with usage of addressing forms in oral religious communication concerning three plains of using addressing forms in communicational situational contacts with the representatives of Catholic and Orthodox Churches: usage of complete ways of expressing addressing in Polish language; usage of names; usage of titles. Those three areas of functioning the addressing forms in oral communication are examined in the framework of different directions of
more » ... ous communication: clerics– –clerics, clerics–parishioners, parishioners–clerics and possibly parishioners–parishio- ners in communicational situations concerning the life of a parish. Those ways show the types of communicational situations where potentially can be found the sender and the recipient.
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