أثر استخدام نموذج کولب للتعلم الخبراتی وخرائط المفاهیم على تنمیة الاستدلال الریاضی والانخراط فی التعلم لدى تلامیذ الصف الثانی الإعدادی

عبدالرحمن محمد عبدالجواد, سید محمد عبدالله عبدربه
2022 مجلة تربویات الریاضیات  
The current research aims to measure the effect of using the Kolb's experiential learning style and concept maps on developing the mathematical reasoning and engaging in learning among secondgrade preparatory students. The researcher developed a Mathematical reasoning test, a learning engagement Scale in the Geometry unit, and a teacher's guide represented in the procedures followed by the teacher to teach using the Kolb model of experiential learning and concept maps. The first experimental
more » ... up was taught using the Kolb's experiential learning style and concept maps, while the control group was taught using the regular teaching method in the second semester 2021/2022. The mathematical reasoning test and learning engagement scale were the pre-post applied to the experimental and control groups. The results revealed the effectiveness of the Kolb model of experiential learning and concept maps in developing mathematical reasoning and engagement in learning process among second year preparatory students, and the existence of a positive direct correlation between mathematical inference and engaging in
doi:10.21608/armin.2022.251266 fatcat:jvlm3tmyu5b77d4yxty6gyq6lm