A Case of Laparoscopic-Assisted Simultaneous Ileocecal Resection and Splenectomy in a Patient with Splenic Artery Aneurysm of 35mm Diameter and Cecal Cancer

Eisuke Booka, Kan Handa, Koki Mihara, Yasuhiro Ito, Shintaro Shibutani, Tomohisa Egawa
2018 Nihon Gekakei Rengo Gakkaishi (Journal of Japanese College of Surgeons)  
A 60-year-old male with hypertension and chronic kidney disease was diagnosed with splenic artery aneurysm of 35mm diameter at the splenic hilum using computed tomography upon extensive examination prior to cecal cancer surgery. Using contrast was impossible because of the chronic kidney disease and few thick arteries outflowing from the aneurysm. Hence, intravascular treatment was considered difficult. We decided to perform laparoscopic-assisted simultaneous ileocecal resection and
more » ... First, we performed it in the dorsosacral position using two 12 and two 5mm trocars. Second, we performed functional end-to-end anastomosis at the outer abdominal cavity from the upper abdominal 4cm small incision. Finally, we performed laparoscopic-assisted splenectomy in the right hemi-decubitus position after moving the trocars. The splenic hilum was simultaneously resected using an auto suture device. Surgery time was 6 h and 27 min, and blood loss was 35ml. We performed simultaneous laparoscopic-assisted ileocecal resection and splenectomy using minimum trocars and a small incision by considering the trocar position. The case was reported with little bibliographic consideration.
doi:10.4030/jjcs.43.633 fatcat:z5r23kv53jaytax3zy6jma4qs4