Anatomy for Nurses

1907 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)  
From the standpoint of the pathologist this book contains little that would cause him to recommend it either to elementary students or to men engaged in research. It does con¬ tain considerable information that Avili be found useful to Anatomy for Nurses. E. R. Bundy, M.D., Member of the Medical Staff of the Woman's Hospital, Philadelphia. With a glossary and 191 illustrations, 34 of which are colored. Cloth. Pp. 252. Price, $1.75 net. Philadelphia: P. Blaklston's Son & Co., 1906. This work is
more » ... ritten in simple language and is fairly well illustrated. The chapter on foods and digestion seems slightly out of place in a text-book on anatomy and is so brief and superficial that it might well have been omitted.
doi:10.1001/jama.1907.02520430066032 fatcat:cizahbirh5e53pguxmzd7rulia