Reliable Web Service Consumption Through Mobile Cloud Computing [chapter]

Amr S. Abdelfattah, Tamer Abdelkader, EI-Sayed M. EI-Horbaty
2018 Mobile Computing - Technology and Applications  
The mobile intermittent wireless connectivity limits the evolution of the mobile landscape. Achieving web service reliability results in low communication overhead and correct retrieval of the appropriate state response. In this chapter, we discuss and analyze two approaches based on middleware approach, Reliable Service Architecture using Middleware (RSAM), and Reliable Approach using Middleware and WebSocket (RAMWS). These approaches achieve the reliability of web services consumed by mobile
more » ... evices and propose an enhanced architecture that achieves the reliability under various conditions with minimum communication data overhead. In these experiments, we covered several cases to prove the achievement of reliability. Results also show that the request size was found to be constant, the response size is identical to the traditional architecture, and the increase in the consumption time was less than 5% with the different response sizes.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.74461 fatcat:exzzzxwplvfo3hkp7ngapzysui