Delegated dynamic portfolio management under mean-variance preferences

Coskun Cetin
2006 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences  
We consider a complete financial market with deterministic parameters where an investor and a fund manager have mean-variance preferences. The investor is allowed to borrow with risk-free rate and dynamically allocate his wealth in the fund provided his holdings stay nonnegative. The manager gets proportional fees instantaneously for her management services. We show that the manager can eliminate all her risk, at least in the constant coefficients case. Her own portfolio is a proportion of the
more » ... mount the investor holds in the fund. The equilibrium optimal strategies are independent of the fee rate although the portfolio of each agent depends on it. An optimal fund weight is obtained by the numerical solution of a nonlinear equation and is not unique in general. In one-dimensional case, the investor's risk is inversely proportional to the weight of the risky asset in the fund. We also generalize the problem to the case of multiple managers and provide some examples.
doi:10.1155/jamds/2006/61895 fatcat:eovf5zabsjdahadvul2actohn4