Top-Mirror Migration for the Fabrication of High-QPlanar Microcavities Containing Fragile Active Materials

Zheng Han, Hai-Son Nguyen, François Réveret, Katia Abdel-Baki, Jean-Sébastien Lauret, Jacqueline Bloch, Sophie Bouchoule, Emmanuelle Deleporte
2013 Applied Physics Express  
We propose a migration technique for the deposition of the top dielectric mirror in the fabrication of planar microcavities containing a fragile molecular active layer. Our goal is to preserve the active material during this deposition step. The technique is validated by the fabrication of a passive cavity, showing a quality factor similar to that achieved by a conventional monolithic approach. The migration technique is then used to fabricate a perovskite-based organic-inorganic microcavity
more » ... emission in the strong coupling regime. Polariton emission lines are well resolved at room temperature, and efficient polariton relaxation toward the lowest energy polariton states is achieved using the migration method.
doi:10.7567/apex.6.106701 fatcat:sl2fmbdylrc4fk3i2n3j7qsdbe