Motivation of Czech Employees by the Balanced Scorecard of the Multinational Company – an Empirical Study

2013 European Financial and Accounting Journal  
The aim of this paper is to review if the implemented balanced scorecardis an efficient way to motivate people and increase their work effort. Theempirical research had been conducted in one of the big multinationalcompanies. Balanced scorecards for such companies are mainly driven byglobal, strategic measures. It is questionable, if employees of the Czechlocal branch are interested and motivated by the global results. Perhaps, itwould make more sense to put emphasis on the individual
more » ... emeasures in this case. Such questions and answers are part of theempirical study conducted for this paper.
doi:10.18267/j.efaj.110 fatcat:jfrob2cb4na37isb7jucuohlu4