Municipal conditions in West Virginia Cities

Clarence M. Werum
1916 National Municipal Review  
19161 CONDITIONS I N WEST VIRGINIA CITIES 469 have been appointed by "reform" department heads, and the other four by "organization" officials. Of these eight, one has left the city's service for private business, one has gone into another branch of public work, one was recalled by the bureau to resume work there, and five still remain in the employ of the city. In closing, I cannot forbear saying a word or two as to the faithfulness and untiring zeal of the bureau staff and employes. Working,
more » ... ost of them, for less compensation than private business would offer, they have not hesitated to disregard hours in emergencies, and have toiled as the artist toils, because he is in love with his job. You may perhaps want t o know how that bureau has been received b y the present administration. It is a little early t o pronounce upon this question, but in an interview with Mayor Smith on the part of your trustees and your director, the mayor expressed his willingness to utilize our services whenever possible, and expressed particular interest in a study of salary standardization that the bureau has been making. This morning he sent for Mr. Gruenberg and told him to convey a message to us of his willingness to co-operate with the bureau at all times, of his sympathy with the bureau ideals and program, and his great regret at being unable to be with us to-night.
doi:10.1002/ncr.4110050319 fatcat:aztjtkubc5cnvisrmvh4scgvoa