New Assignment of the Signals in 23Na DOR NMR to Sodium Sites in Dehydrated NaY Zeolite

Harry A. M. Verhulst, Wim J. J. Welters, Gert Vorbeck, Leo J. M. van de Ven, Vincent H. J. de Beer, Rutger A. van Santen, Jan W. de Haan
1994 The Journal of Physical Chemistry  
A new assignment of the signals in the 23Na DOR N M R spectra to the different sodium sites in dehydrated NaY zeolite is presented. 23Na DOR and MAS N M R measurements of dehydrated N a y , Ca2+-exchanged NaY samples, and NaY samples in which M o ( C O )~ is adsorbed are used for this purpose. Four distinct signals in the 23Na DOR N M R spectra of dehydrated NaY are found: the first signal with an isotropic chemical shift of -6 ppm and a quadrupolar coupling constant of 0.4 M H z is assigned to
more » ... the Na+ cations at site I. The second signal, with an isotropic chemical shift of -12 ppm and a quadrupolar coupling constant of 2.3 MHz, is assigned to the Na+ cations at sites I'/II'. The third and the fourth signals, with isotropic chemical shifts of -4 and 5 ppm and quadrupolar coupling constants of 4.2 and 4.7 MHz, respectively, are assigned to the Na+ cations at sites I1 and 111.
doi:10.1021/j100079a027 fatcat:2bi4blj5znfp3nfm337ppn5g3q