Electron Microscopic Study of the Parathyroid Gland of Rattus rattus

Shoichi EMURA, Akira TAMADA, Daisuke HAYAKAWA, Huayue CHEN, Shizuko SHOUMURA
1999 Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica  
The ultrastructure of the parathyroid glands of Rattus rattus was investigated. In the chief cells, the nucleus showed deep indentations, and lysosomal inclusions and rod-shaped crystalloids were present. Their ultrastructure is described, and the role of the lysosomal inclusions is discussed. Parathyroid Gland of Rattus rattus 73
doi:10.2535/ofaj1936.76.1_71 pmid:10409848 fatcat:kyt65m6djnadbow55hhnoimefq