Ultrastructure of bone marrow cells in patients with autoimmune pathologies
Аутоиммунды патологиялы науқастардың сүйек кемігі жасушаларының ультрақұрылымдық сипаттамасы

Galina Fedotovskikh, Galiya Shaimardanova, Manarbek Askarov, Sapargul Marat, Tatyana Yezhelenko
2017 Ķazaķstannyṇ Klinikalyķ Medicinasy  
Objective: To determine the morpho-functional state of bone marrow autologous cells at the ultrastructural level. Material and Methods: For the electron microscopic examination, bone marrow cells taken from patients with autoimmune diseases were fixed in a 2.5% solution of glutaraldehyde with post fixation in a 1% solution of osmium tetroxide, was performed according to the conventional method and enclosed in epon. Ultrathin sections were prepared on a Leica ultramicrotome, contrasted with lead
more » ... citrate by Reynolds, and examined in an electron microscope called Libra 120 (C. Zeiss). Results: Morpho-functional state of autologous bone marrow cells in severe chronic pathology was characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction and signs of insufficiency of microvesicular secretory function. Conclusion: Precultivation of bone marrow cells of patients with severe autoimmune diseases restored the energetic function of mitochondria, increased the secretory activity of endosomes.
doi:10.23950/1812-2892-jcmk-00536 fatcat:a3asgrfysjfr3kqauraylcwlii