The variable intermittent sampling repeater jamming against waveform agile SAR

W.H. Yang, Y.G. Chen
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering   unpublished
A new type of jamming against waveform agile SAR is proposed, which is called the variable intermittent sampling repeater jamming. The jamming can form false vivid targets through repeating waveform agile SAR different subsection signal as design in the current pulse in the waveform agile SAR current pulses. So it may realize electronic counter measure against waveform agile SAR feasibly in practice. Detailed discussions about the jamming performance are given. The processing output of the
more » ... ng is derived theoretically. The theoretical feasibility is proved by simulation experiments. Keywords -SAR; variable intermittent sampling; waveform agile; electronic counter measure ( ) ( ) 2 J m m J J m J J m J
doi:10.2991/eame-15.2015.170 fatcat:g6lujnujcjh5vho4a3ajvref5m