Casting Au-Ag-Pd Alloy to the Embedded Keeper of Dental Magnetic Attachment. Part 3. Influence of Investment Material
磁性アタッチメント用キーパーと金銀パラジウム合金との鋳接 第3報 埋没材の影響

Akio Asano, Mutsuo Yamauchi, Makoto Sakai, Motonobu Miyao, Tooru Nagasawa
2000 Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai Zasshi  
A cast-soldering method is used for the keepers of magnetic attachments. However, there
doi:10.2186/jjps.44.683 fatcat:xbn3xj6msvc47gvuxllmcm4r7y