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On the Space Protected by a Lightning-Conductor
Scientific American
4ä96 $O!ENTIFIO AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, Ne,). , 28it JULY 9, 1881. fürming a S.ort üf ceiling direclly üver it, tü help tü diffuse the illuminatiün. The whüle üf the shed is weil lit; and a large quantity üf light alsü penetrates intü an adj . üining .one üf similaI' dimensiüns and separated by a rüw üf cülumns. ' The light is used ;egularly all thrüugh the night, and has been sü all thrüugh the wint � r. Messrs. Tate �peak . highly üf its efficiency. Tü ascertam the exact Cüst üt the hght, as